24 vdc power supply fail
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24 vdc power supply fail

GSK980MDc Package User:
Hi King,

I may have caused the 24 vdc power supply to fail.

What happen is on the I/O relays I changed to make them a low side switch, I had them reversed. But after I fixed that it did work for a minute, then the power went to low on and off. I saw I forget to reverse the coils polarity and caused a basic hi current short....My bad.

Working to much and just didn't see the mistake.

Now if you take off the 24 vdc off the power supply the control comes up ok, I pulled the input and output cables off the back of the control and still when you put back on the 24 vdc the power is not right and the control not coming on.

So is this just the power supply or the control or both?

What to do now? send back to you both or?

I'm so close to finishing.......I'm mad at my self......

CNCmakers Support:
For this case the IC2803 inside the 980MDc system might have burnt, it is universal, you can buy it locally and replace it will be fine.

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