Brother TC 229 CNC milling machine CNC retrofit - PAY for CNC components
Brother TC 229 CNC milling machine CNC retrofit

Brother TC 229 Retrofitor:

I have a Brother TC 229 and would like to retrofit this machine to a complete compatible CNC milling machine.

Could you inform me on the alternatives?


Could you kindly tell us the current motors sizes of XYZ axis and spindle? by KW or NM.

We will work out a package price for you by return.


thank you for your response. Specs:

Motor sizes (0.72kW for X and Y and 1.2 kW for Z axis)

Spindle has 5 kW

Machine als has a BT30 ATC with 10 positions.


CNCmakers Support:

Thanks for the information.

Following you may find CNC retrofit package for Brother TC 229 including:


Milling Machine CNC Controller C1000M   1 set

(CNC controller for milling machine with 3 axis simultaneously plus 1 spindle)


AC Servo Unit for  X and Y axis 1KW  2 sets

(Servo Motor+driver+cables+connectors,1KW,4Nm,2500rpm,5.0A,110mm Support)


AC Servo Unit for Z axis 1.5KW   1 set

(Servo Motor+Brake+driver+cables+connectors,1.5KW,6Nm,2500rpm,6.0A,130mm Support)


AC Servo Spindle Unit  5.5KW   1 set

(Servo Spindle Motor-driver+cables+connectors,5.5KW, max. 7000rpm)


All Cables(6 meters), Software & Manuals  1set

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