CHEVALIER 1418 CNC Retrofit Kit - PAY for CNC components
CHEVALIER 1418 CNC Retrofit Kit
Chevalier 1418 Retrofitor:
We were in contact about 2 years ago because of a cnc retrofit, you provide us with a 980TDb lathe control, now we need the same for a vertical cnc.
This will require the cnc control, 2 axes (X & Y 7 NM) and Z with brake, motors cables & drivers, the spindle is about 10 hp. The presition required is standard.
Could you give me a proposal for this retrofit, the CNC is a CHEVALIER 1418 and it comes with a FANUC 0D control.

CNCmakers Support:
Yes, sure, following you may find the CNC retrofit kit as requested.
CNC Retrofit Package for CHEVALIER 1418:  1 SET
Machining Center CNC Controller GSK218MC-H  1
AC servo motor with driver for X & Y axis 7.5NM  2
AC servo motor with driver & brake for Z axis 10NM  1
AC servo spindle motor with driver 7.5KW(10HP)  1
All Cables(5M), Software & Manuals  1
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