CK0640A CNC lathe with GSK928TD-L - PAY for CNC components
CK0640A CNC lathe with GSK928TD-L
CK0640A CNC lathe with GSK928TD-L controller user:
Our inventory is consisting of a Taian Haishu Lathe machine with the controller GSK928TD-L . Its model is CK0640A. Its Serial Number is 151002 . Due to inactivity of operation for a long time and changes made to the parameter settings, we are unable to operate the machine with confidence. If you could please send us the parameter settings for the machine to get the machine to its factory out state. It would be a great help for us.
Thank you very much.
P.S. Could you please give us information on how to add this CNC Lathe into Solidcam. Most other CNC has post processor embedded into SolidCAM.
CNCmakers Support:
Attached you may find user manual of GSK928TD-L.
You can use Fanuc economic type post processor for GSK928TD-L.
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