Control Equivalent - PAY for CNC components
Control Equivalent

CNC control system user:

Hello, we are using G76 programming on GSK980TDc CNC lathe system as below:

G76 P020560 Q1500 R0.1; G76 X60.64 Z-62 P36800 Q18000 F6


Can the unit conversion be the same with GSK980TDb CNC lathe system like below?

G76 P020560 Q150 R0.1; G76 X60.64 Z-62 P3680 Q1800 F6


CNCmakers support:

The control unit depends on control equivalent of the CNC system, and choose 0.1um(GSK980TDc) or 1um(GSK980TDb) also depends on the AC servo motor and its encoder and driver, 5000 lines encoder = 0.1um, 2500 lines encoder = 1um.

Even we can change the control equivalent of GSK980TDc to 1u(need to set AC servo driver parameters), but the accuracy will be lower after change, so it is not recommended to do that.

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