GSK218MC-H 1265 Alarm - PAY for CNC components
GSK218MC-H 1265 Alarm

GSK218MC-H User:

Our belonging CNC machine model is 218MC-H.As well as i am sending  relative alarm picture and about over load alarm 13 i put off the motor belt and rotate motor shaft manually so it is rotating at normally and  smoothly.Alarm(1265) appeared just we installed machine .


CNCmakers Support:

Regarding GSK218MC-H 1265 alarm, if you are using servo positioning for the spindle.

Please set below parameters:

  1. Set GSK218MC-H Digit parameter 46.1 = 1
  2. Set PLC parameter K7.7 = 1
  3. Set AC servo spindle driver GS3000Y data parameter PA4=3


Regarding the GE2100T-LA1 Err-13.

If put off the motor belt and rotate motor shaft manually so it is rotating at normally and  smoothly, that means the motor and driver are fine, please check the mechanical parts, can you rotate the ball screw? If not the axis might have stuck.


 GSK218MC-H User:

I already try to change  PLC parameter K7.7 = 1 .But it's not changing.Now  what i need from you is encoder connection diagram with color of cable and GS3000  CNC3 PIN. 


 CNCmakers Support:

Please turn on the parameter switch with password ADMIN before editing.

  1. Set GSK218MC-H Digit parameter 46.1 = 1
  2. Set PLC parameter K7.7 = 1
  3. Set PLC parameter K8.7 = 0
  4. Set AC servo spindle driver GS3000Y data parameter PA4=3
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