GSK25i+GS3000+GH2000 User - PAY for CNC components
GSK25i+GS3000+GH2000 User

GSK25i+GS3000+GH2000 User:

Dear CNCmakers, our CNC machine with GSK25i CNC controller, GS3000 spindle driver and GH2000 feeding axis drivers. Now the controller will power off automatically during machining, and back on after few minutes, the drivers can display during the power off, but the BUS1 indication light is not on for X axis, if we try to restart the power, all the lights on GSK25i panel will be on for once and then the screen is still black, and we must wait until it restart system by itself, what could be wrong? Thanks.


CNCmakers Support:

The CNC controller GSK25i must broken, please send back to check, thanks.

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