How to adjust software limit on GSK25i CNC - PAY for CNC components
How to adjust software limit on GSK25i CNC

In order to ensure the safe operation of CNC machine tools, the linear axis of the machine tool is usually provided with two protection "defense lines": soft limit (parameter setting limit) and hard limit (travel switch limit). When users use CNC machine tools for processing, due to the variety of workpiece types and sizes, "limit alarms" often occur during processing. This fault is one of the common machine tool faults. The following describes the software limit adjustment method of GSK25iM-H system in detail:

01 When the system has a software limit alarm, as shown in Figure 1, in [Manual] or [MPG] mode, move the axis in the opposite direction and the system will automatically cancel the alarm after it moves out of the overtravel range.

02 When setting or modifying software limit parameters, first modify the original software limit parameter values of the system. The modification method is as follows:
Press the system [Offset / Set] key, then press the [arrow] key at the bottom right of the system screen film (as shown in Figure 2), press the button below the word [login] of the system screen film to enter the password interface, and move the cursor to [Install] Debug password] Enter the corresponding authority password "*********" (as shown in Figure 3).

After entering the password, press the [System] key to enter the parameter interface. After entering "1080", press the [Search] key below the screen film to find the parameter NO 1080 (positive direction boundary coordinate value of each axis stored stroke detection 1), as shown in Figure 4. , Change the X / Y / Z axis value of this parameter to “9999.0000”. After the modification, move the cursor to parameter NO1081 (the coordinate value of the negative direction of each axis stored stroke detection 1), and set the parameter X / Y / Z. The axis values are all changed to "-9999.0000", as shown in Figure 5.

After the modification is completed, return the machine tool axes to the machine zero ([Machine zero return] press the axis direction keys to machine zero), after each axis returns to the machine zero, use the handwheel to move the X / Y / Z axis to the positive and negative directions respectively The maximum travel position or the software limit position needs to be set and the machine coordinate values at that position are recorded, as shown in Figure 6.

The system switches to "Entry / MDI" mode. Press the "System" key to enter the parameter interface. Enter "1080/1081" and press the "Search" key below the screen to find the parameter NO1080 / parameter NO1081. The X / Y / Z axis will be recorded. The positive and negative software limit machine coordinate values are entered into parameter NO 1080 / parameter NO 1081, as shown in Figure 7. After the input is completed, press the "Reset" key for the setting to take effect.

03By operating the above steps, you can quickly solve the system software limit problem. Other CNCs in Guangzhou CNC (such as GSK218MC system software limit parameters P66 ~ P75) can also refer to this method for operation adjustment and exclusion. However, it should be noted that the soft limit cannot exceed the range of the hard limit, otherwise it will not play a protective role.

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