Schaublin CNC milling machine - PAY for CNC components
Schaublin CNC milling machine

Schaublin CNC milling machine Retrofitor:

I want to retrofit an old Schaublin CNC milling machine and use Mach 3 as controller. The X, Y, Z motions DC servo motors run under 176 V, 6.7 A and 1.03 kW. I don't know yet about the spindle motor characteristics but it should be in the same range as the others.

What would you suggest me to use as motor driver units and DC power supply?

I look forward to your reply.



CNCmakers Support:


Following you may find CNC retrofit package for 3 axis Schaublin CNC milling machine including:




Milling Machine CNC Controller C1000M   1 set


(CNC controller for milling machine with 3 axis simultaneously plus 1 spindle)




AC Servo Unit for  X and Y axes 1KW  2 sets


(Servo Motor+driver+cables+connectors, 1KW,4Nm,2500rpm,5.0A,110mm Support)




AC Servo Unit for Z axis 1KW   1 set


(Servo Motor+Brake+driver+cables+connectors, 1KW,4Nm,2500rpm,5.0A,110mm Support)




AC Servo Spindle Unit  5.5KW   1 set


(Servo Spindle Motor-driver+cables+connectors, 5.5KW, max. 7000rpm)




All Cables(5 meters), Software & Manuals  1set


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