Servo Alarm 0427 - PAY for CNC components
Servo Alarm 0427
GSK218MC-V and GE2100T-LA1 User:
We got the new servo drive hooked up but when we turn the machine on we get an error.
Servo Alarm 0427 Axis:  2
If we reverse the ethernet cables on the drive we get a different alarm.
Servo Alarm 0450.
Also the actual servo drive has an err 27.
We have changed two drives before and they have worked as soon as we plugged them in.
What do these alarms mean?
CNCmakers Support:
You can refer to below:
GSK218MC-V and GE2100T-LA1 User:
That took care of it.  No alarms and it is moving.
Time to put it all back together and start cutting parts again.
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